Processed experienced in taking the Australian Citizenship Test : (Immi Sydney Central)
1. Arrive 30mins before the test
2. Go to the reception (left side when you enter the main door pm the 4th floor) and advice that you are book for a citizenship test.
3. Receptionist will tell you to come back or wait for awhile while she prints out the booking slip (queue number that includes your Appointment Id #).
4. Once you got your queue number wait until your number appear on the screen or when your number is called.
5. Go to the counter assigned (about 8 counters in City Immi).
6. Present the documents and identification.
7. Immi officer will take a photo.
8. They will inform you if you are already eligible or not.
9. If you are elgiible they will ask you if you want to apply for citizenship after you pass the test.
10. In our case we are not yet eligible (2 yrs required), immi officer will offer how you will apply for citizenship. I choose online application. The officer ask you to fill up the the proof of identity if you are going to apply with in 6 months and they will sign as your character reference on the spot.
Note: If you are going yo apply for citizenship after 6 months, you have to submit the character reference form.
11. Once everything is verified, you will be ask to go to the testing room and present your appointmnet slip.
12. Immi oficer will verify your appointment ID number, will assign you a computer and give you briefing on the test.
13. Once you finish the test, you will see immediately if you pass or fail and inform the immi officer.
14. Immi officer will print out the result of your test whether you pass or fail.
15. If you fail, immi officer will look at the test result and decide if you will be allowed to retake the test.
Note: They may allow one retake else you have to book for another schedule
16. If you pass, you can now go home or go back to the immi officer if you have further question.
1. Arrive 30mins before the test
2. Go to the reception (left side when you enter the main door pm the 4th floor) and advice that you are book for a citizenship test.
3. Receptionist will tell you to come back or wait for awhile while she prints out the booking slip (queue number that includes your Appointment Id #).
4. Once you got your queue number wait until your number appear on the screen or when your number is called.
5. Go to the counter assigned (about 8 counters in City Immi).
6. Present the documents and identification.
7. Immi officer will take a photo.
8. They will inform you if you are already eligible or not.
9. If you are elgiible they will ask you if you want to apply for citizenship after you pass the test.
10. In our case we are not yet eligible (2 yrs required), immi officer will offer how you will apply for citizenship. I choose online application. The officer ask you to fill up the the proof of identity if you are going to apply with in 6 months and they will sign as your character reference on the spot.
Note: If you are going yo apply for citizenship after 6 months, you have to submit the character reference form.
11. Once everything is verified, you will be ask to go to the testing room and present your appointmnet slip.
12. Immi oficer will verify your appointment ID number, will assign you a computer and give you briefing on the test.
13. Once you finish the test, you will see immediately if you pass or fail and inform the immi officer.
14. Immi officer will print out the result of your test whether you pass or fail.
15. If you fail, immi officer will look at the test result and decide if you will be allowed to retake the test.
Note: They may allow one retake else you have to book for another schedule
16. If you pass, you can now go home or go back to the immi officer if you have further question.
Taking the Australian Citizenship Test
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4:03 AM
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