
Guylian Belgian Chocolate Cafe

Location: Circular Quay
Shop 10, Opera Quays
3 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000

2009_06_11 Guylian-hazelnut torte
Milk chocolate & hazelnut torte ($13.50)
Devil’s food cake with Guylian milk chocolate & hazelnut praliné ganache
2009_06_11 Guylian-flatwhite coffee 
Guylian chocolate special ($8.00)
Guylian house coffee with chocolate & whipped cream
2009_06_11 Guylian-belgium waffle 
Served with Guylian praliné ice cream and Guylian chocolate dip

Presentation.. presentation.. presentation... Something doesn't look right with the presentation of this belgian waffle. I could mistakenly think the ice cream on top of the waffle for something else.

Guylian Belgian Chocolate Cafe Guylian Belgian Chocolate Cafe Reviewed by on 3:15 PM Rating: 5

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