
HP laptop hardware issues - Not a Ha-Py customer

Everyone, please check the model of your HP laptop if it is included in the list of models HP sold that has defective hardware/ bad design that is waiting to fail.

Refer to this website -> HP limited warranty

GOOD news: HP will repair it for FREE

BAD news: They only repair it for FREE if it is within the first 2 years after you bought the laptop.

In my case, the issue appear just right after the 2 year period and they refuse to repair the laptop.  I only knew about the known hardware issue when I search why my HP laptop failed to boot and to my surprise that it was a known published on HP website. I wouldn't know there was a known issue on my HP laptop until I did a search on the internet.

Bought for about  1k+ USD about 27 months ago. Now, the laptop is just an over price paper weight.

If they sold a defective hardware, they should recall the product or fix it for free even if the warranty has ended as they sold a "defective" product.

Frustration with HP support:

Called HP support - not helpfull at all. Passed fom one support personel to another. Ask for their team leader or manager to escalate the issue and the person I spoke to REFUSED as he said that there is no one there to tlak to escept for him. I can't believe HP has this kind of support.

They ask me to go to a third party HP repair center in Prospect NSW as it is the only HP repair center for non-warranty product for laptop in Sydney. I called them up and they said that they will assess the problem and they will charge me about $150 AUD. What? assess the issue? it is on their website that the issue is a defectie product, a KNOWN issue and they would liek to assess the problem and charge me $150? If there are parts the needs to be replace, I have to pay extra.

Hundreds of people around the world is complaining about this known hardware issue of certain models of HP laptop as I read from the HP forum.

Frustration one after another from the HP support.

With this experience, I do not recommend HP laptops or any HP products if they continue with such service to their customers.

I experience buying a defective digital camera from Canon. They recall all the products and replace it without any hassle. In my case, they were not able to repair the camera on time and what they did is they lend me a digital camera that I can use until they fixed my camera. They were not able to repair my camera for whatever reason. They as kme to return the camera they lend me and they replace my defective camera with a newwer model.
HP laptop hardware issues - Not a Ha-Py customer HP laptop hardware issues - Not a Ha-Py customer Reviewed by on 4:44 PM Rating: 5

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