
How to Make a COCA-COLA® Xmas Lantern

Dear COCA-COLA® Australia, 

Please make this Coca-Cola star available in Australia.
You can add this to your recycling program.

Make your own COCA-COLA® Lantern

Step 1: Mag-share ng  COCA-COLA®.
Step 2: Get your  COCA-COLA® Star of lantern (Available in the Philippines)
Step 3: Screw the empty COCA-COLA® bottles on the Coca-Cola Star.
Step 4: Be creative!

* Take caution when using electrical wiring as materials may be flammable.

How to Make a COCA-COLA® Xmas Lantern How to Make a COCA-COLA® Xmas Lantern Reviewed by on 3:21 PM Rating: 5

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