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Title: The Secrets of Mental Math (eBooks is FREE at the time of posting / it may change anytime)
Pascal Imbert (Author)
Digital List Price: $6.91
Kindle Price: $0.00 includes tax, if applicable
You Save: $6.91 (100%)
Amazon Product Description
Prepare yourself to change the way you look at numbers.
Tricks in this book will teach you to think like a math genius in a short time. Prepare yourself to be surprised and surprise your friends with incredible calculations that you never thought you could master. This book will teach you how to mentally solve operations faster than you ever imagined. It will teach you to considerably improve your numerical memory and to make mathematics fun.
You will learn to mentally solve complex, by all appearances, operations; all you need is in this book, focused on some very simple techniques to master them. You will be able to solve diverse additions and subtractions, to multiply and divide three digit numbers quickly, and to determine squares - all of that in the twinkling of an eye. No matter your age or your current capacity of calculating, this book, written in a simple and accessible language, will allow you to do mental feats effortlessly. Get ready to discover mathematics and to become a human calculator.
Happy reading!
FREE Kindle eBooks from Amazon - The Secrets of Mental Math (Posted on Dec-15-014) / expired
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9:30 AM