
FREE Breakfast @Guzman y Gomez / World Square Sydney CBD / 20-Jan

FREE Breakfast @Guzman y Gomez
Location: World Square Sydney CBD
When: 20-Jan-2015 / Tuesday
Address: 680 George St, Sydney CBD

* Requirements?
- Just come along and join the fun.

* What breakfast are free ?
- Breakfast Burritos with your choice of filling
- Free Range Scrambled Eggs with your choice of filling
- Breakfast Nachos (Chilaquiles)
- Coffee or Tea

Expect long queue....
FREE Breakfast @Guzman y Gomez / World Square Sydney CBD / 20-Jan FREE Breakfast @Guzman y Gomez / World Square Sydney CBD / 20-Jan Reviewed by on 11:59 AM Rating: 5
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