As a part of the process for Australian citizenship by conferral, you may need to have an interview and sit the citizenship test.
Most applicants for citizenship by conferral aged between 18 and 59 years at the time of application need to have an interview and sit the citizenship test.
The test assesses your English language skills and what you know about Australia and Australian citizenship.
Applicants aged 17 and under and those who are 60 and over at the time of application do not need to sit the test.
Learn about the interview and test
As part of the process for Australian citizenship by conferral, we meet with you. We confirm your identity and your understanding of Australian citizenship.
All applicants who are required to sit the test will have an interview first.
For applicants required to sit the test
Before you sit the test, we will:
- check your original documents
- confirm your identity
- confirm you are eligible to sit the test
Citizenship test
The citizenship test is part of the application process for most applicants for Australian citizenship by conferral.
The citizenship test is part of the application process for most applicants for Australian citizenship by conferral.
You need to pass the citizenship test to show that you have:
- a basic knowledge of the English language
- an understanding of what it means to become an Australian citizen
- an adequate knowledge of Australia and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship
No cost.
How to prepare for the test
To prepare for the test you can:
- Read Australian Citizenship - Our Common Bond or download PDF
- Watch the Citizenship Test Resource video
- Take Australian Citizenship Practice Test (more link down below)
Download LINK (PDF)
Tip: Watch the official video over and over and then take the practice exam to gauge what you learn and keep taking different free test exams until you become confident.
If you fail the test
You can:
- retake the test on the same day if possible
- re-book the test for another time, especially if you need more time to prepare.
Learning materials:
Official video - Our Common Bond
Australian Immigration and Citizenship practice website
Practice test for Android and Apple:
Australian Citizenship test (App Store)Australian Citizenship test (Android)
* You can find lots of Australian citizenship test app for android and apple just search the keyword "Australian citizenship test"
For detailed information, visit https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship/test-and-interview/overview
Personal research and from https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/)
Australian Citizenship Test and Preparation
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8:00 AM

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