
Free Tree Giveaway for selected Sydney Residents (first 8,750 households)

The Free Tree Giveaway makes trees from Bunnings available to the first 8,750 households in Greater Sydney to apply.

Am I eligible for a free tree(s)?

You are eligible if you answer yes to all of the following:

- you have an address in one of the 33 local government areas (LGAs) in Greater Sydney
- you have not applied for a free tree(s) since 1 July 2020.

The 33 Greater Sydney Local Government Areas 

Bayside               Lane Cove

Blacktown Liverpool

Blue Mountains Mosman

Burwood North Sydney

Camden N orthern Beaches

Campbelltown Parramatta

Canada Bay Penrith

Bankstown              Randwick

Cumberland Ryde

Fairfield         Strathfield

Georges River         Sutherland

Hawkesbury Sydney

Hornsby The Hills

Hunters Hill         Waverly

Inner West Willoughby

Ku-Ring-Gai Wollondilly


How do I ‘Click and Collect’ a free tree(s)?

1. Create a Planning Portal Account or log in with your MyServiceNSW details

2. In the Planning Portal, click the blue box with three lines in top left hand corner. After this click on the plus sign and then ‘Free Tree Application’

3. Complete the form including which tree(s) you want. Once submitted you will receive a confirmation email.

4. Wait for Bunnings to let you know your tree(s) are ready to be collected

Claim your FREE TREE HERE  


Free Tree Giveaway for selected Sydney Residents (first 8,750 households) Free Tree Giveaway for selected Sydney Residents (first 8,750 households) Reviewed by on 5:29 PM Rating: 5

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