
NABTrade is changing their brokerage fees starting Sept-22

Current pricing  
Trade value Brokerage
Up to and including $5,000 $14.95
$5,000.01 - $10,000 $14.95
$10,000.01 – $20,000 $29.95
$20,000.01 - $27,227.27 $29.95
Over $27,227.27 0.11% of the trade value
New pricing  
Trade value Brokerage
Up to and including $5,000 $14.95
(No change)
$5,000.01 – $10,000 $19.95
$10,000.01 – $20,000 $19.95
$20,000.01 - $27,227.27 0.11% of the trade value
(Up to -$7.95 depending on trade size)
Over $27,227.27 0.11% of the trade value
(No change)
All fees and charges are inclusive of GST, unless otherwise stated.

of nabtrade customers.
These changes will take effect on 22 September 2014
The new brokerage schedule will come into effect for orders executed after 10am on Monday 22 September 2014. The nabtrade Financial Services Guide will also be updated to reflect this change.

NABTrade is changing their brokerage fees starting Sept-22 NABTrade is changing their brokerage fees starting Sept-22 Reviewed by on 6:00 AM Rating: 5

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