$100 Active Kids voucher (x2 for the whole year)
New to Active Kids?
First of all welcome to the Active Kids family! Claiming and redeeming your two $100 vouchers is easy. Follow the steps below to get started:
- Claim your vouchers from the Service NSW website
- Locate an Active Kids provider from over 11,000+ and find out when they are accepting registrations.
- Use your vouchers when registering for a sport or activity
- Get playing
When to use the vouchers
Vouchers can only be used once but each child is eligible for two each year and you can use any time from now until 31 December.
$100 Creative Kids voucher
Every school-enrolled child can apply for one $100 Creative Kids voucher and two $100 Active Kids vouchers each calendar year.
Need to check where you're up to with your vouchers? Log in to your MyServiceNSW Account and click on 'My Applications'.
For more information see Creative Kids FAQs
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4:42 PM
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